Manresa Retreat House, overlooking the magnificent Pacific Ocean, provides 27 ocean-view bedrooms with private bath & study area, a peaceful cloister / garden and chapel / conference room for 60 persons.
It was built above the Iberoamericana University Campus on more than 3 acres of prime land owned by the Jesuit Order, at a total cost of over $1.4 million dollars.
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola have been one of the most efficient tools for spiritual growth that the Jesuits have been offering the Church for more than 400 years.
And…certainly, this will be a gratifying response to the vast needs of the Church in Tijuana and surrounding region, since there are no Retreat Houses in the area.
The Jesuits and their lay collaborators in Tijuana, will continue to make this project become a reality through hard work and the guarantee of a long-time commitment to spiritual growth.
Spirituality could be defined as a way to live our Christianity through what the Lord tells us in the Gospel. Based on the same Gospel, Saint Ignatius of Loyola left as a legacy to all Jesuits a precise tool to transmit his very peculiar way to understand the Word and will of God.
Saint Ignatius would have preferred to follow Christ as a hermit, but after his profound experience in Manresa, Spain, he decided to commit his life entirely, and by all means, to the salvation of all souls.
We, the Jesuits in Baja California, want to follow the inspiration of our Founder from over four hundred years ago, offering a modern yet austere space, for your personal betterment through retreats and the Spiritual Exercises: with dynamics based on our faith, promoting justice in this region of the world, under the Jesuit motto: